Feeling overwhelmed?

Never fear! Almost everyone has this moment. Where you’re starting to have questions about something your doctor or midwife has said and don’t know where to turn for solid information.

Good vibes only

Finding a practitioner who is aligned with your views on birth is PARAMOUNT to having your ideal birth experience. Download my free guide on how to tell if your doctor or midwife is a red-flag practitioner.

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Be the first to know

Sign up here to get on the waitlist for my course “Data Driven Pregancy” reviewing all you need to know when it comes to testing, appointments, and what your options are.

Hi! its me, your birth bestie 💁‍♀️

It’s never too late to start building your dream💫 birth! Are you ready to be basking in the ✨glow✨ of your incredibly informed and autonomous birth?

Hi, I’m Amanda 

And I love birth!

What a confession! But it’s true, I am widly passionate about pregnancy and birth! I want EVERY mama to have the kind of transformative birth expereince I know is possible. Unfortunately, traditional maternity care just isn’t set up for you to experience that. It’s set up to get you in and out of appointments in 7 minutes, with minimal questions asked. If you’re anything like me, thats just NOT good enough.

My goal is to educate and empower you to break out of “routine” pregnacy care, ask the right quesions, and most importantly - have a powerful and positive birth expereince. Your body is strong and capable of delivering your baby on YOUR terms, not your healthcare practitioners.

And I know there is LOTS of information out there. How do you know who to trust? That’s what I’m here for - to help simplfy the information so you can make decesions that feel aligned with your goals and more importantly are on your OWN authority.