For our daugthers. For the future.

It all started with birth…

There is nothing more important in my mind than the way we bring new life into the world. The way we birth becomes a version of the way we live.

My journey into this holistic version of motherhood started with the birth of my first daughter. It was eye-opening, soul-shifting, and life-altering. It changed the way I think about everything- from the foods we eat, to the cleaning products we use, to the types of medical practitioners we visit (or don’t visit). Nothing was the same.

I have always said that birth is just the beginning. The first opportunity to exercise your intuition, step into your power and exert radical responsibility over your body and your health. But there will be many opportunities to come as a mother.

My goal is to guide women to reclaim sovereignty over their choices about their health and their family. To detach from the status quo of outsourcing to decision-making to anyone other than themselves. To educate and provide knowledge, and help you ask deeper questions. To empower you as an individual to make choices that are best for you and your family regardless of what other people may say or think.

My hope is that by educating women about their health, their bodies, and their babies, we can help pass this information to generations to come. To stop saying “but this is how we’ve always done it”, when how we’ve always done it hasn’t led us to be the best versions of ourselves.

Birth is just the beginning, and there is so much more to come.